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热度 1已有 3377 次阅读 2011-12-16 13:49 |个人分类:网摘 | 移动应用, 创业, Foursquare, Facebook, iPhone

         There are a bunch of iPhone apps I own though I have no clue what they do. These apps include but aren’t limited to; FLUD, Apptitude, Cartoonatic, Can’t Wait!, Punch, Pah, Prize Claw, Traveler, Concur, Jajah, Fast Customer, Pimple Popper and many more whose names I can’t even remember.


        Occupying my valuable homescreen real estate are also a bunch of apps whose purpose I remember only because they were built by people I know or am friends with, but that I sadly never use. And in some cases I really wish I did, because it would make my friends happy and the world a better place.


        The few apps that I actually open daily (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Foursquare, Spotify, Reminders, Safari, Messenger, and Yammer sadly enough) are securely fastened to my homescreen. For those relegated to the “app ghetto” I usually either substitute Google or SMS because I’ve forgotten that I’ve downloaded them and am too lazy to swipe past my first screen.


        Dispersed throughout my app ghetto, or the neighborhood ten or so swipe screens past the iPhone homescreen, are things I’ve downloaded for work, apps that people joke about not using (Color, Path), new apps that people are still trying to figure out (Batch, Oink) and perfectly legitimate apps that lend themselves to more casual usage (Uber, Quora, Yelp). And all the apps that fit into one or more of those categories. Oh, and I just boughtCamera+ (not to be confused with Camera Plus) — it’s  not homescreen worthy just yet though it might just be the best 99 cents I’ve ever spent.


        If I ever want to use an app ghetto app I just use iPhone search (a swipe right) because there are just too many! There should be some sort of app that makes your app ghetto apps disappear if you haven’t used them in a while.


        Sure we’ve written before about app fatigue, but it seemingly hasn’t discouraged app makers from continuing to churn out countless useless apps or SocialMobileLocal offerings that would be better suited as sub-features ofFoursquare. And it doesn’t look like they’re going to stop anytime soon; Android growth is insane, iOS influence is crazy. Coupled with minimal development costs, you get the fact that the Bump app has 50 million downloads. Yes, Bump, that thing that lets you “bump” contact info over your phone and nobody I know uses.


        If Bump’s existence proves anything, it’s that many SoMoLo apps are basically competing with SMS. Why go through another tiresome two-second increment of human communication and exchange your contact info WHEN YOU CAN “BUMP”? YES THERE IS INDEED AN APP FOR THAT.


        I realize that asking y’all to stop making apps is a quixotic endeavor (so go ahead and have at me in the comments); 74% percent of you think that the world needs more mobile apps even though we’ve already got over 500K of them with 18 billion plus downloads– on iOS alone.


        The app economy is/will be huge and is inexorable, and I don’t want to deprive anyone of the jobs it will eventually create, even though a lot them will be building things that will eventually fail. Oh well. The truth is that if you imagine the homescreen of your phone ten years from now, your favorite apps will be ones that don’t even exist yet. And that’s pretty amazing.


        So if you can’t beat them join them. But if you join them I’m going to ask you to consider one thing; rethink the notion of an app versus a service; Stop making apps, or gimmicks, things that don’t solve problems. Don’t build something silly and ill-thought out just because you have a celebrity co-founder and/or lots of investor money that will help you scale initially no matter what.


        The truth is that the hardest part is hanging onto that first spike of users, and there is no number of TechCrunch posts about your every-single-decimal point update that will get you there, you actually need to solve a problem – even if that problem is “How the hell do I entertain myself for the next fifteen minutes?”


        Focus on building a service not just an app; a service may have an app component — like Spotify, for example — but that app component must only exist to make life easier for the user of your service, exist to add value not just to be cool.


        Listen to PG; start with a problem, then let your mind wander just far enough for new ideas to form. It’s pretty simple, solve a problem and focus on solving that problem across as many platforms as you can, even if one of those platforms is an app store.


        This whole “solving a problem thing” is why people are liking Batch, even if they’re skeptical at first, because it solves the real problem of, “What do I do with all these random photos on my phone?” Maybe that’s not enough to be a long-term business? Well, at least it’s a start.




          11.15日,美国科技博客TechCrunch作者Alexia Tsotsis 发布文章Stop Making Apps,告诫创业者不要因为开发移动应用而创业,应该为解决问题和提供服务而创业,移动应用仅仅是实现服务的一种方式,跟之前火爆:移动应用会像光驱一样很快进入历史垃圾堆! [外媒评论][英文] 综合阅读,你一定能获得更多的想法。看看来自国内科技媒体的编译内容:


以下是来自TC 的内容编译,该文不是科技源原创,




        主屏上也有少数应用我每天都会用到(Twitter、 Instagram、 Facebook、 Foursquare、 Spotify、 Reminders、 Safari、 Messenger和 Yammer )。对于那些“退居二线”的应用,我通常会忘记我下载过它们,也懒得去找它们,因此就常常用Google和SMS短信来替代。




        我们已经写了很多有关“应用疲劳”的文章 ,但这似乎并没有让应用开发者感到气馁,他们正在继续开发大量无用的应用或SocialMobileLocal(社交移动本地)产品——其实这些产品作为 Foursquare的子功能更加适合。不要以为应用开发者很快就会停手:Android正在疯狂增长,iOS的影响也相当巨大,再加上低廉的开发成本,这就使得一些不知所谓的应用也获得了很高的下载量。比如Bump的下载次数已经超过了5000万次,但我认识的人中没有人用它。如果说Bump的存在证明了什么的话,那就是很多SoMoLo应用基本上是在与SMS短信展开竞争。















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